Also see Bullying
Cyberbullying involves all of the bullying behaviours but uses technology as the platform to carry them out.
What is bullying?
It's more than just a fight or disliking someone.
It’s being mean to someone over and over again.
It can involve violence, intimidation and harassment.
Bullying is when someone or a group of people repeatedly use words or actions to hurt you.
Bullying can happen anywhere – at home, with friends, in a group, at school, on the bus or at school, online and on social media platforms.
Bullying is serious - it is not funny - it causes pain for others.
The YourCrew team does not tolerate bullying.
We do, however, applaud people who say, “Stop doing that. I don’t like it”, and we applaud people who tell others that bullying is not tolerated, and we applaud people who are strong enough to say sorry for what they have done and change their behaviour.
These are our values. What are yours?
Links and phone numbers throughout this site are live, tap to access.
Kids Helpline: Cyber Bullying
Kids Helpline: My friend is being Cyberbullied
Kids Helpline: Online Harassment
Kids Helpline: How do I know if I'm cyberbullying?
Teens Health: Cyberbullying
ReachOut: Cyberbullying
Youth Central: Cyber Safety
Raising Children: Internet Safety for Teenagers
Youth Central: Cyber Safety
Advice for Young People:
Talk to your Crew. Talk to your GP/doctor or contact Your Crew to help you get to your doctor.
If you need help right now call: 000 or if you feel anxious or distressed and would like help coping, speak to the amazing people at Kids Helpline who are there to talk to or text at any time 24/7 1800 551 800
Kids Helpline webchat
E-saftey Commission - useful resources and advice about a range of bullying topics such as:
- Bullying online
- Your nudes have been shared
- You're being pressured to send nudes
- You're being trolled
- You're being Catfished
- Full Menu: E-Saftey for Young People
Kids Helpline: Online safety
ReachOut: Cyber Bullying action plan
ReachOut: 5 strategies for dealing with cyberbullying
Report cyberbullying:
Esafety: Reporting
Choose the relevant form here
If bullying is occurring on social media, ask your Crew to help you:
- Report to the Social media platform e.g. Facebook
To find the right pathway see Esafety: The eSafety guide - Gather evidence .. see:
Esafety: How to collect evidence - Submit a report to the eSafety Commissioner: Choose the relevant form here
ReachOut: 5 steps to talking about bullying
CAFHs: Child and family health services
ReachOut: bullying action plan
ReachOut: What does being a bystander mean
NSW Government: Anti-bullying
Esafety: Classroom resources
Inform ED: Resources on how to handle bullying
South Australia:
Report bullying and harassment
Youth Law:
Youth Law bullying
ReachOut Resources: Cyberbullying
Teen Vogue: What It's Like to Be Cyberbullied As a Sexual Assault Survivor
Crewing for or Helping Others
Sometimes, it can be hard to know what to do to support someone. You may feel stressed or scared you'll say the wrong thing.
Remember your main role as Crew or a supportive friend or family is to listen, acknowledge and communicate support. That can mean calling a professional service such as Kids Helpline or, in an emergency, calling 000 They can also guide you on what to do.
See How to Ask If Your Friend Is OK video
If you are under 18 years old, you can also reach out to an adult or your Crew to help you support someone.
See Professional and Urgent Help for a list of services with live phone numbers and links
See Pathways to Help
See Bullying
E-safety Commission:
For Parents
For Educators
For Women
For Seniors
For First Nations
Kids Helpline: Helping kids stop cyberbullying
Raising Children: Teens entertainment and technology
Raising Children: Media influence on pre-teens and teenagers: social media, movies, YouTube and apps
Raising Children: Social media benefits and risks: pre-teens and teenagers
Raising Children: Advertising: how it influences children and teenagers