Obvious Reason - assessed as not in imminent danger of self-harm
TALK for long enough to gain an understanding of basic facts
LISTEN to what is being said AND to feelings being expressed (be aware of the diverse range of emotions if possible)
VALIDATE their feelings – not their fault, feelings are real and valid
COMMUNICATE your support and acceptance – DON’T JUDGE
FOLLOW UP – arrange to check-in in a specified period. If the behaviour persists or you feel uncomfortable go to professional help
Make an appointment with counsellor/GP?
If you feel uncomfortable:
Tell them you are concerned about them and would like to get further support. You could say:
"This is too big for the both of us, we need help, I'd like to call someone who can help us."
Relationship break-up
Friendship issues i.e. bullying, racism, fight
School issues i.e. failed exam; struggling to cope
Parental Problems i.e. fighting; divorce
Sexual – identity, contraception, hormonal and body changes
Abuse - see A-Z Abuse