How does it work?
After downloading the app, invite your friends to join as your ‘Crew’. All crew members accept an oath to help without judgement and within confidentiality (unless someone’s safety is in danger). If you’re feeling consistently down, your Crew is alerted so they can reach out and see what’s up and how they can help you.
YourCrew App Features:
Emergency button
Direct numbers to Kids Helpline and 000
- Find a safe place map showing police and hospitals
- Pings message and location to one or more Crew
- for keeping track of moods visible by both user and Crew
Pathways to Help
- an interactive chart to help find help
Safety Plans
- ready for easy access and can be shared with relevant people
using an emoji, image or written; as quick or long as you choose
Private journal
- which can be shared with Crew if you choose
A-Z information hub
- filled with many teen and young adult topics
- can be recorded in Calendar - with an emoji attached
Chat and call functions
and much more ...
Every person should have a Crew
invite yours now
Download from the App Store or GooglePlay now.
Organisations helping us to keep young people safe.
For a full list go to